The Affordable Care Act is great idea, but needs to be more. After all, members of Congress receive FREE health/medical care, so why can't we?
Let me explain ... I was going through my FB messages, notifications, checking on friends, etc. I came across a post on the Latino Healthcare Forum page, the post is about "As healthcare law rolls out, its effects will depend on your state" - an LA Times article.
Even though I had not yet read the article, I am already wondering about what it means for people like me here in Texas, ruled (eyes rolling) by his majesty James Rick Perry (aka guv goodhair).
Here's my response to article (specifically, the title) ...
No kidding! Using, I've already found I may fall through the cracks! Will depend on Central Health's Eligibility Requirements.
After going through series of questions (some need to be better written - at least I think so) says my option is (drumroll please ...) Medicaid!
Problem is, Medicaid denied me because I am no longer able to bear children. (shaking my head) So, will Medicaid change eligibility regulations or does it mean turning to Central Health's Medical Access Program (MAP)?
When I previously had MAP (thanks to Medicaid denial), I had to argue with them about assets which could have rendered me ineligible but, for all intents and purposes, I cannot access them ... So, are they really assets?
I'm a smart person, have a graduate degree, am tech savvy (so can navigate websites) ... If I have to go through this much trouble, jumping through hoops, having repeated discussions (on verge of becoming heated debates), what does that mean for those who are not as fortunate (educated, have digital literacy/access, and speak English) as me?
Post note: My assets? My state retirement account. I have 12 years state service, so I have a modest retirement account. Sure, it is accessible, but doing so also means being hit with approximate 30% penalty fees! Initial withdrawal (up to/including entire balance) means 20% penalty paid to state.
Example: I withdraw $10K, they pull $2K for penalty before issuing me payment + I'll have to pay 10% ($1K) to the IRS. Come spring, when filing taxes, pay $1K penalty PLUS report $10K as income!!
So, you can see, barring life/death circumstances, I'd be a fool to touch it. In the end, it becomes an asset to which I have no access. Try explaining that one with Central Health staff. It's not fun.
In August, Hyde Park Market, Deli and Organic Grocery removed about 20 international flags that hung from the storefront awning after the city found the flags to be out of code.
A code violation has forced Hyde Park Market, Deli and Organic Grocery to remove about 20 international flags that have hung from the store's awning for the past five years.
An anonymous citizen's complaint about the flags on June 17 led the city of Austin to investigate whether the flags at the eclectic convenience store, which sells everything from craft beer and chocolates to tools and hardware, violated city code. An investigation found that the flags were out of compliance, "as the only sign on the property that has a permit is the Shell sign," according to city documents.
Hyde Park Market owner Tony Hooman said he disagrees with the city's claim that the flags should be classified as "signs." However, he took down the flags in August after the city threatened him with a $2,000 per day fine if he did not remove them.
"The city has so much to mess with, and I can't believe they spent the energy, time and tax dollars to come after me for this," Hooman said.
Hooman said he is meeting with an attorney over how to proceed with the issue. Also, an electronic petition is being circulated among Hyde Park and Hancock residents showing support for the flags.
"This is another example of Austin getting a little less weird," Hyde Park resident Tom Schneider said. "Soon enough, every store will be the same and there won't be anything special [about Austin]."
Meanwhile, Hooman is looking to add between 200–300 taps of beer and a beer garden at Hyde Park Market. Hooman has been meeting with local neighborhood groups about the expansion plan before filing paperwork with the city, he said.
"It's crucial that we are all in one boat and able to communicate so no one has feelings that they weren't involved," he said. "If it wasn't for [neighborhood residents], nothing would be here."
Related article: Daily Texan "Hyde Park Flag Store forced to take down all of its flags"