About Me

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Native Austinite. Well educated.. always learning in my own way. Strong-willed & opinionated. I believe in making a difference. I believe in making myself a better person.. in my own eyes, not the eyes of society.
Mainstream society, and the social mores it professes to hold as "normal," "average," etc. are all hogwash as far as I'm concerned. I am very much a "trail blazer" and I live my life that way.

If you want to know more.. ask me :)

to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting. - e.e. cummings

30 December 2011

Austin may ban most plastic, paper bags

Goodbye Rick Perry

I don't think he's gone yet ... but would sure be nice to think he's on his way!!

Petition - A Petition to Support the Saving American Democracy Amendment : Bernie Sanders - U.S. Sen

As of 10Dec2011 my signature was the 92348th signature ... add yours to the list!

Rift in Rick Perry's Camp Over Ad Criticizing Gays in Military

"The Human Rights Campaign weighed in on the advertisement, calling it a misrepresentation of 'the views of the hundreds of thousands of people of faith in this country who live openly or advocate as allies for the LGBT members of their community.'"

Rick Perry, Christian warrior: Attacks gays in the military in attempt to inflame the culture wars for Iowa

There ISN'T a war on religion ... but Parry's doing his d*mnedest to make it happen.  :/

Texas Gov. Perry confuses voting age in NH

Gov Goofup!!

NOTE: Image above is not part of linked article. Is author's own addition.

Controversial Arizona sheriff to endorse Perry in GOP presidential bid

"The sheriff's patrols are the subject of a civil rights investigation by the U.S. Justice Department. A federal grand jury is investigating abuse of power allegations against Arpaio's office."

DOJ needs to get on the schtick w/Arpaio investigation! As for Arpaio endorsing Guv Goodhair.. at same time doesn't seem surprising considering who Parry has around him -BUT- is surprising considering how extremist Arpaio is regarding undocumented immigrants (and Parry supports Dream Act???)!

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